Home》没有产出任何热门单曲。1972年,切斯唱片发行了新奇歌曲《MyDing-a-Ling(英语:MyDing-a-Ling)》的现场版录音。这首歌的另一版本出现在贝里1968年的密紋唱片《From St. Louie to Frisco》中,当时名为《My Tambourine》。该曲成为了贝里唯一一首冠军单曲。歌曲《Reelin'
,古罗马的公共浴室的壁画中,就有表现上层罗马人士自慰的描繪。 在流行音樂,有不少關於自慰的著名歌曲,比如查克·貝里的《MyDing-a-Ling(英语:MyDing-a-Ling)》、谁人乐队的《Mary Anne With The Shaky Hand》以及《Pictures of Lily(英语:Pictures
W.J.F. Jenner (translator). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 1982. Ling, Ding. Miss Sophie's Diary and Other Stories. W.J.F. Jenner (translator). Beijing:
Michelle; Ding, Ling; Lu, Chao; Euwema, Martin. From "transplant with the soil" toward the establishment of the innovation ecosystem: A case study of a leading
Huaming; Guo, Qiaonan; Yu, Shi-Cang; Ding, Yanqing. Pathological evidence for residual SARS-CoV-2 in pulmonary tissues of a ready-for-discharge patient. Cell