Bridge, Perth(英语:Narrows Bridge, Perth), carries Mandurah railway line(英语:Mandurah railway line) in central reservation MountHenryBridge(英语:Mount Henry
(原始内容存档于2023-08-10). Degens, E.T.; Buch, B. Sedimentological events in Saleh Bay, off Mount Tambora. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research. 1989, 24 (4): 399–404. 引文使用过时参数coauthors
Railroad, an independent bridge line owned equally by the PRR and five other railroads. Soon after, in 1904, the line from the Long Bridge to Rosslyn, built
督憲橋(英語:Governor's Bridge)是加拿大安大略省多倫多的一座橋樑及同名小社區,位於玫瑰谷(Rosedale)社區和摩亞公園(英语:Moore Park, Toronto)(Moore Park)社區以東。與它們不同的是,督憲橋社區曾是前東約克市的一部分。該社區以區內同名的「督憲橋」命名,該橋從德忌利士坊(Douglas