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《铁石心肠2019》(泰語:หัวใจศิลา,羅馬化:Hua Jai Sila 2019,英語:Manof Vengeance / Heart of Stone)由塔纳瓦·班亚林执导,塔纳波·里拉塔纳卡邹(Tor)、农吉拉·叻卡准娜衮(Fern)主演,改编自同名小说的泰国爱情剧,2019年3月4日起每周一至周二通过One
National Board of Review. National Board of Review. [2 February 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-06). National Board of Review Names 'Green Book' Best Film of 2018 - Variety
Phenomenon on the Net. NPR. 2006-03-26 [2007-03-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-19). Aran, Isha. SpongeBob may be getting a musical, but the show's real legacy is