looper),允許表演者從一首歌中先行錄製然後再重播一段樂句或樂曲。循環句可以在表演時(現場循環句演奏(英语:livelooping))當場製作,或者也可以預錄。使用循環踏板時,一人樂隊(英语:one man band)的吉他演唱手可以彈奏一段背景和弦,以踏板重覆它們然後再加上吉他獨奏(英语:guitar
is accompanied by the "Soulja Boy dance". The song is recognized by its looping steel drum riff. The song also peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot
and variables declared with let expressions local, loop variables in all looping expressions are local too. Dynamic Binding Vs Lexical Binding. EmacsWiki