天文物體列表(英语:Listsofastronomicalobjects) 望遠鏡列表(英语:Listsof telescopes) 航天机构列表 太空人列表 太空科學家列表(英语:Listsof space scientists) 所有發射過的航天器列表 List of All Spacecraft
太陽系天體大小列表 天體清單(英语:Listsofastronomicalobjects) 外太空 Task Group on Astronomical Designations from IAU Commission 5. Naming AstronomicalObjects. International
Survey1 nears completion, preliminary lists are being compiled of some of the many new objects discovered. These lists include more than seventy new planetary
半人馬小行星 太陽系流體靜力平衡天體列表 Listsof planets(英语:List of planetary bodies) 矮行星候選者列表 Planet#Objects formerly considered planets(英语:List of Solar System bodies formerly