France) 德國报刊列表(英语:Listofnewspapersin Germany) 美國報刊列表(英语:Listofnewspapersin the United States) 北韓報刊列表(英语:ListofnewspapersinNorthKorea) 俄罗斯报刊列表 罗马尼亚报刊列表(英语:List
citizens traveling, living, and working in Korea. NorthKorea propaganda video depicts invasion of South Korea, US hostage taking. Advertiser. Agence France-Presse
(原始内容存档于2013年7月29日). Evacuation plans for 7000 Australians living in South Korea as North prepares for nuclear strike against US. [2013-11-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-06)
STORY: The Army & Democracy: Military Politics in Pakistan. DAWN.COM (Dawn Newspapers). Dawn Newspapers. 2014-11-23 [2017-08-16]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-16) (英语)
estimates of the incarceration rate in China and NorthKorea see Adams, Cecil. Does the United States Lead the World in Prison Population?. The Straight