中東現代衝突列表(英语:Listof modern conflictsin the Middle East) 非洲衝突列表(英语:ListofconflictsinAfrica) 非洲之角的衝突(英语:Conflictsin the Horn ofAfrica)(東非) 北非現代衝突列表(英语:List of
中東現代戰爭列表(英语:Listof modern conflictsin the Middle East) 非洲戰爭列表(英语:ListofconflictsinAfrica) 非洲之角戰爭(英语:Conflictsin the Horn ofAfrica)(東非) 北非現代戰爭列表(英语:List of
Frumkin. Population Changes in Europe Since 1939, Geneva 1951.p.44-45 Clodfelter, Michael (2002). Warfare and Armed Conflicts – A Statistical Reference
Localisation of an Enigmatic Animal. GRIN Verlag. 2010. ISBN 978-3-640-69784-7. Kingdon, Jonathan. East African mammals: an atlas of evolution inAfrica, Volume
complete illustrated history of World War II : an authoritative account of the deadliest conflictsin human history with analysis of decisive encounters and