澳洲犯罪相關書籍與媒體列表(英语:Listof Australian crime-related books and media) 匿名發表作品一覽(英语:Listof anonymously published works) 自傳列表(英语:Listofautobiographies) 禁書列表 兒童或青少年撰寫的書籍列表(英语:List
Compose Myself": Lesbian Muslim Autobiographies and the Craft of Self-Writing in South Africa. Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Oxford: Oxford University
(Project Gutenberg) Frederick Douglass: Autobiographies by Frederick Douglass, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Editor. (Omnibus of all three) ISBN 0-940450-79-8 Litwack
University Press. 2000. ISBN 0-674-00320-9. Douglass, Frederick. Autobiographies: Narrative of the Life, My Bondage and Freedom, Life and Times. New York,