被拍成劇情片的兒童讀物列表(英语:Listof children's books made into feature films) 基督教小說列表(英语:ListofChristiannovels) 漫畫列表(英语:Listof comic books) 字典列表(英语:Lists of dictionaries)
《美之释放》Beauty's Release (1985年) Beauty's Kingdom (2015) Anne Rice, author of gothic novels, dead at 80. Associated Press. 2021-12-12 [2021-12-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-12)
Times. 2010年9月11日 [2012年10月15日]. (原始内容存档于2015年2月7日). One of my novels had the dubious distinction of being the first book in Afrikaans to be banned under
1802–1885. Enotes.com. [2011-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-16). All-Time 100 Best NovelsList. Adherents.com. [2011-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-18). The Little Prince
copies worldwide, was adapted into a movie and made hits out of Brown's previous novels, including "Angels & Demons," whose film version is now in theaters