Madonna and Child,蛋彩画,慕尼黑老绘画陈列馆. Madonna and Child (1423), 蛋彩画,不来梅艺术馆(KunsthalleBremen) 法国: Scenes from the Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitaller, 蛋彩画,
Times. Wulf Herzogenrath: Videokunst der 60er Jahre in Deutschland, KunsthalleBremen, 2006 It's All Baseball: Nam June Paik Starts Out. [2021-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-29)
took place at the KunsthalleBremen in 1976 and covered works from 1962 to 1974. A traveling retrospective at Düsseldorf's Kunsthalle in 1986 was followed