KK音標(英語:JohnSamuelKenyon and Thomas Albert Knott),是一種美式英語發音的音素音標,它所使用的符號幾乎與國際音標(IPA)相符。KK音標最初使用在1944年出版的《美式英語發音辭典》(A Pronouncing Dictionary of American
and His Contemporaries, Lexington Books, 2002, ISBN 978-0739121818 Kenyon, John; Ohlmeyer, Jane (编), The Civil Wars: A Military History of England, Scotland
Johnston, 1906 Kenyon, J. P., Stuart England, London: Penguin Books, 1978, ISBN 0-7139-1087-9 Kishlansky, Mark A.; Morrill, John. Charles I (1600–1649)