突出部之役ea, The Toll of World War II, U.S. Statistics, Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Encyclopedia of Casualty and Other Figures, 1494 –2007 Third,
三十年戰爭 Plague and long-term development: the lasting effects of the 1629–30 epidemic on the Italian cities (PDF). The Economic History Review. 2016, 72 (4):
西班牙王位繼承戰爭M.S. The War of Austrian Succession 1740–1748. Routledge. 1995. ISBN 978-0582059504. Atkinson, C.T. The Peninsula Second Front in the War of the Spanish
訥穆爾公爵加斯東·德·富瓦[2023-04-28] (法语). Mallett, Michael Edward; Shaw, Christine. The Italian Wars 1494 -1559 War , State and Society in Early Modern Europe. Taylor & Francis. 2014
性傳染病高,在美國及歐洲較少。全世界約有20億人曾感染過B型肝炎。 歐洲第一次有充份紀錄的性病(後來確認是梅毒)爆發是在1494 年,在義大利戰爭(英语:Italian War of 1494 –98 )中包圍那不勒斯的法軍中所爆發。此疾病可能從哥倫布大交換時引入。疾病從那不勒斯起席捲了整個歐洲,死亡人數超過五百