國外交官、美國陸軍退役將領,堪薩斯州普萊森頓人,歷任美國駐伊朗大使(英语:List of ambassadors of the UnitedStates to Iran)、美國駐香港總領事等職,也是美國國務院第一任行政助卿(英语:Assistant Secretary of State for Administration)。
2018 Israel–Iran incidents) 美國退出巴黎協定(英语:UnitedStates withdrawal from the Paris Agreement) 美國退出聯合國(英语:UnitedStates withdrawal from the United Nations) Trump
引用错误:没有为名为Papua的参考文献提供内容 Managed through the U.S. Embassy in Kenya. The UnitedStates has no diplomatic relations with Somalia. The last ambassador to Somalia was James