distinguishing the English crown from the French crown, but it also had other meanings to some. For example, Henry V of England wore a helmet-crown of the arched type
BBC Sport, 2006-7-10 Ronaldinho regains FifPro crown (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), BBC Sport, 2006-11-6 Henry breaks Platini's record - World Soccer. World Soccer
罗德奖学金和杜鲁门奖学金(英语:Harry S. Truman Scholarship)。另外也是阿斯彭研究所2006届亨利·克罗(英语:HenryCrown)研究员、阿斯彭全球领导层网络(Aspen Global Leadership Network)研究员。除此之外,哈兰比青年就业促进会(英语:Harambee