(film))》(Vampires) 2001年:《火星異魔(英语:Ghosts ofMars)》(GhostsofMars) 2010年:《鬼病房(英语:The Ward (film))》(The Ward) Jason Zinoman. A Lord of Fright Reclaims His Dark Domain
(原始内容存档于2013-05-23). He's new to this acting thing, having spent a good chunk of his 31 years as a street huckster with an eye for suckers. Director riding
Hungry Ghosts by Dante A. Ciampaglia. MovieMaker. 2010-10-04 [2018-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-12) (英语). 米高·伊派里奧里在互联网电影资料库(IMDb)上的資料(英文) Bio and photo of Michael