列寧格勒包圍戰的影響(英语:Effect of siege on Leningrad) 納粹德國對蘇聯戰俘的暴行(英语:GermanmistreatmentofSovietprisonersofwar) 納粹大屠殺 最终解决方案 「生存空間」 德意志國防軍的暴行(英语:War crimes of the Wehrmacht)
deaths in the ghettos and various places of detention due to mistreatment, starvation ... concern the fate of several hundred thousand Jews. In the Warsaw
Translated from the German. (原始内容存档于2016-09-25). National Bełżec Museum. Historia Niemieckiego Obozu Zagłady w Bełżcu [History of the Belzec extermination
Attitudes towards the Jews from 1918–1940 and its Implications for the Period of Occupation. Michman, Dan (编). Belgium and the Holocaust: Jews, Belgians, Germans