Canada) 各國或地區言論自由狀況(英语:Freedomofspeechbycountry) 加拿大的宗教自由(英语:Freedomof religion in Canada) 加拿大報業史 對約瑟夫·豪的毀謗審判(英语:Libel trial of Joseph Howe) 加拿大權利與自由憲章第二條
American workers are building the arsenal of democracy and serving the cause offreedom 民主兵工廠 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)—美國遺產博物館(英语:American Heritage Museum) 【韜略談兵】烏俄戰爭給全球的警示 重啟民主兵工廠
Policy Speech (Video)[永久失效連結] "Can Genocide Be Stopped in an Age of Terror?" Keynote address for the Witnessing Genocide Symposium, University of Oregon
Freedomof Information: A Comparative Study, a 57 country study by Global Integrity. Internet Censorship: A Comparative Study, a 55 country study by Global