von der Wetterau)的兒子。巴伐利亞公爵亨利七世(盧森堡伯爵亨利二世)是其長兄,下洛林公爵腓特烈(英语:Frederick, Duke of Lower Lorraine)亦是其兄長。 吉澤爾貝特本是薩爾姆和隆維伯爵,在長兄亨利二世去世後繼承盧森堡伯爵領地,並為特里爾的聖馬克西米修道院(英语:St
Equipment: Spy Devices of World War II (New York: Sterling Publishing, 1991) Moulin, Pierre. U.S. Samurais in Bruyeres (CPL Editions: Luxembourg, 1993) Persico
Prince of Liège, the late King's second cousin once removed (representing the King of the Belgians) The Grand Duchess and Prince ofLuxembourg, the late
Days of the Second World War in Europe. John Murray. 2015: 265. Ziemke, Earl Frederick. The US Army and the Occupation of Germany 1944–1946. Center of Military