Maurice Jean Blanchard)統率的法國第1軍團、亨利·吉罗統率的第7軍團(英语:Seventh Army (France))、安德烈·喬治·科拉普統率的第9軍團(英语:9th Army (France))和戈特勛爵統率的英國遠征軍準備從右翼(南側)的法國第2軍團處轉向,向迪爾河防推進。第7
Siege of Zara 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期6 July 2007.. Thomas F. Madden, "Food and the Fourth Crusade: A New Approach to the Diversion Question," in Logistics of Warfare
[2016-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-15). BIGBANG to Hold Dome Tour in Japan for Fourth Consecutive Year. YG Life. 2016-07-28 [2016-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-07)
private investors and Swiss banks. He then sold distribution rights outside Italy jointly to Fox and Seven Arts for $15 million (70 percent of which came