放牧場pastus,為pascere的過去分詞,意指 "飼養")為提供放牧的土地。狹義的定義係指圈圍的農地,供家畜如馬部、家牛、綿羊、家豬等吃草,種植做作物包括糧草(英语:forage ),以禾本科、荚果、雜草類(英语:forb)等為主。 pasture. Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
鸭乸草V., Tran G., Giger-Reverdin S., 2015. Scrobic (Paspalum scrobiculatum) forage and grain. Feedipedia, a programme by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. https://www
狼尾草属Zhao, Chunqiao; Gao, Kang; Yue, Yuesen; Fan, Xifeng. Research Advances in Forage Pennisetum Resource. Chinese Bulletin of Botany. 2022-11-01, 57 (6): 814
沙芦草 Zinian. The Current Status, Problems and Suggestions for the Research on Forage Germplasm Resources. Chinese Bulletin of Botany. 2023-03-01, 58 (2): 241
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