犀牛黨在2008年聯邦大選中以 Neorhino.ca 名義競選。 加拿大人民政治力量黨(英语:People's Political Power PartyofCanada)因為未有提名任何候選人參選,於2011年4月13日被加拿大選舉局取消其註冊政黨資格。 2011年3月25日:由自由黨提出的不信任動議以156票對145票獲國會下議院通過
languages. Statistics Canada. [2009-10-05]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-29). Olive Patricia Dickason. Canada's First Nations: A History of Founding Peoples from Earliest
well-integrated. The Conservative PartyofCanada has no formal relationship with any provincial parties. The Liberal PartyofCanada has more formal ties with
(帮助) Lorna Roth. Something New in the Air: The Story ofFirstPeoples Television Broadcasting in Canada. McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP. 2005: 71. ISBN 9780773572447