A primer for learning to speak, read and write the Choctaw language. Fayetteville, AR: VIP Pub. Jacob, Betty. (1980). Choctaw and Chickasaw. Abstract of
McCullers的生死恋情) 美国南方文学 Author Carson McCullers wrote prolifically while in Fayetteville. FayObserver.com. 2010-03-28 [2011-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-08). Johnson
英国英格蘭西密德蘭史丹佛郡南史丹佛(英语:South Staffordshire)科德斯尔(英语:Codsall) 居住地 美国喬治亞州費耶特縣法耶特弗爾(英语:Fayetteville, Georgia) 職業摔角生涯 擂台名 King Regal Lord Steven Regal Roy Regal Steve Regal Steven