wrote of their experience of working with Page.Both had helped Page with his autobiography Truant Surgeon: The Inside Story of Forty Years ofAustralian Political
(原始内容存档于2022-11-10). U.S. HouseofRepresentatives, Office ofthe Clerk. Statistics ofthe Congressional Election from Official Sources for the Election of November 8
1979. The name "Hashimites" refers to members ofthe Hāshim clan, a sept ofthe Quraysh tribe to which the Prophet Muhammad belonged. Ra'ad's father, Prince
violence against political representatives. (X帖子). 2024-07-14 –通过X. Ursula von der Leyen [@vonderleyen]. I am deeply shocked by the shooting that took place
S. HouseofRepresentatives Results. 美国联邦选举委员会. 2004-05-31 [2007-01-21]. (原始内容存档于2008-03-28) (英语). William Finnegan. The Candidate: How the Son of a Kenyan