London: The Telegraph. 2010-12-21 [2010-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-20). Emmy Varley, The Apocalypse December 31, 2012? There is a refuge in the Aude (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
1959–1960: 鲍里斯·乌瓦罗夫 1961–1962: George Copley Varley 1963–1964: Sir Vincent Brian Wigglesworth 1965–1966: Eric Omar Pearson 1967–1968: John Stodart Kennedy
邁克爾·富特(Michael Foot) 1974–1976 能源大臣(Secretary of State for Energy) 艾利克·瓦雷(EricVarley) 1974–1975 東尼·貝恩(Tony Benn) 1975–1976 環境事務大臣(Secretary of State for