行刑室鐵籠戰(英语:EliminationChamber)(EliminationChamberMatch) 地獄鐵籠戰(英语:Hell in a Cell)(Hell In A Cell Match) 皇家大戰-30人大賽 (Royal Rumble Match) 鐵人賽(Iron Man Match
Styles vs. Jeff Hardy in an EliminationChambermatch for the WWE Championship, Roman Reigns faces an EliminationChambermatch winner for the WWE Universal
Intercontinental Title, a battle royal for the final spot in the women's EliminationChambermatch. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. 2024-02-19 [2024-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-21)
Styles vs. Jeff Hardy in an EliminationChambermatch for the WWE Championship, Roman Reigns faces an EliminationChambermatch winner for the WWE Universal