越南共和國陸軍(Lục quân Việt Nam Cộng hòa) 別動軍(Biệt Động Quân,類似遊騎兵) 特種部隊(英语:Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces)(Lực Lượng Đặc Biệt,簡稱LLDB) 越南共和國海軍(Hải
the decade aside from This is the Army (1943), the Irving Berlin musical for which the profits were donated to the Army Emergency Relief fund." Bambi. Boxoffice
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Wollenberg, Erich, The Red Army, Marxists FR, [28 May 2010], (原始内容存档于2012-03-08) . Appendix 1 – The Scheme For A Socialist Army, The Red Army (decree), The Council
(PDF)于20 November 2013). para 5-2, United States Army Field Manual: FM 3–0 Headquarters, Department of the Army. FM 3–0, Operations. Washington, DC: GPO. 14