環口螺科(學名:Cyclophoridae),又名山蝸牛科旋風蝸牛科[1]叢螺科[2],是一個小型到大型的熱帶陸地蝸牛的系統分類,而且牠們都有螺厴。根據2005年的《布歇特和洛克羅伊的腹足類分類》,牠們都屬於新進腹足類主扭舌類非正式群組的陸地英語Terrestrial molluscs腹足綱軟體動物;在2017年的《布歇特等人的腹足類分類》,牠們的分類層級不變。

Quick Facts 環口螺科, 科學分類 ...
琉球本島宜野灣市公園的一隻縮回殼內的活體青山蝸牛(Leptopoma nitidum
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 軟體動物門 Mollusca
綱: 腹足綱 Gastropoda
亞綱: 新進腹足亞綱 Caenogastropoda
目: 主扭舌目 Architaenioglossa
總科: 環口螺總科 Cyclophoroidea
科: 環口螺科 Cyclophoridae
Gray, 1847
  • Cyclophorinae
  • Spirostomatinae




The dextral shells are mostly of small and rarely medium size. The form of the shell varies from discoidal to turbinate. 其圓形的aperture一般都有修飾:有時會有一個裂口,又或 a constriction. 其最後的whorl英語Whorl (mollusc) can sometimes be disconnected and then extends strongly from the winding plane. The螺厴is generally circular, which can be retracted deeply into the shell. Its form is multispiral and can be calcified or lacking calcareous overlay. The outer layer of the operculum can contain accessory deposits.

軟體的頭部有一個短短的吻部英語proboscis。 The tentacles are round in cross-section, relatively long and taper to the end. The eyes are located at the base of the antenna on flat papillae. The longitudinal muscular foot is not divided. The mantle cavity acts as a lung cavity.其扭舌型齒舌每列都有七顆舌齒: has seven elements per transverse row. The central row of the radula contains usually five, rarely three or seven teeth.The animals are 雌雄異體.


2005年的《布歇特和洛克羅伊的腹足類分類》採納了Wenz (1938)對當時還是「山蝸牛亞科」的分類方法,將這個亞科分為多個族[4]。 這個分類將35個屬810個物種分配到下列各個亞科中[5]。部分列出如下:

  • 帶管蝸牛亞科 Alycaeinae Blanford, 1864
  • 環口螺亞科 Cyclophorinae Gray, 1847
    • 族 Caspicyclotini Wenz, 1938
      • Caspicyclotus Forcart, 1935
    • 杯口螺族 Cyathopomatini Kobelt & Möllendorff, 1897
      • 杯口螺屬 Cyathopoma Blanford & Blanford, 1861
      • Jerdonia Blanford & Blanford, 1861
      • Mychopoma Blanford, 1869
      • Pseudojerdonia Kobelt, 1902
    • 環口螺族 Cyclophorini Gray, 1847
      • Afroditropis Bequaert & Clench, 1936
      • Craspedotropis W.T. Blanford, 1864
      • Crossopoma E. von Martens, 1891
      • 環口螺屬 Cyclophorus Montfort, 1810
      • Cyclosurus Morelet, 1881
      • Ditropopsis E.A. Smith, 1897
      • Elgonocyclus Verdcourt, 1982
      • 東洋蝸牛屬 Japonia A.A. Gould, 1859[7]:43-45[5]
      • 兔唇螺屬 Lagocheilus W.T. Blanford, 1864
      • 青山蝸牛屬 Leptopoma L. Pfeiffer, 1847果形螺屬
      • Leptopomoides G. Nevill, 1878
      • Micraulax Theobald, 1876
      • Montanopoma Stanisic, 2010
      • Myxostoma Troschel, 1847
      • Otopoma Gray, 1850
      • Owengriffithsius Emberton, 2002
      • Papuocyclus Ancey, 1895
      • 絨球螺屬 Pilosphaera Y. C. Lee, K. U. Lue & W. L. Wu, 2008
      • 褶口螺屬 Ptychopoma Möllendorff, 1885
      • 粗糙螺屬 Scabrina W.T. Blanford, 1863
      • 西氏螺屬 Theobaldius G. Nevill, 1878
    • 圓口螺族 Cyclotini Pfeiffer, 1853
      • 圓口螺屬 Cyclotus Swainson, 1840
      • 背孔螺屬 Opisthoporus Benson, 1851
      • 扁脊螺屬 Platyrhaphe Möllendorff, 1890
    • Tribe Pterocyclini Kobelt & Möllendorff, 1897
      • Millotorbis Fischer-Piette & Bedoucha, 1965
      • 翼口螺屬 Pterocyclos Benson, 1832
      • 隅口螺屬 Rhiostoma Benson, 1860
      • 氣孔螺屬Spiraculum Pearson, 1833
    • 族的地位未定
      • Pholeoteras Sturany, 1904
  • 亞科的地位未定
    • 族的地位未定
      • Ferussina Grateloup, 1827
        • Ferussina anomphalus (F.Sandberger, 1871)
        • Ferussina anostomaeformis Grateloup, 1827
        • Ferussina globosa Dumas, 1876
        • Ferussina lapicida Leufroy, 1828
        • Ferussina petofiana Páll-Gergely, 2023[8]
        • Ferussina praeglobosa (Roman, 1904)
        • Ferussina striata (Deshayes, 1828)
        • Ferussina tricarinata (M.Braun, 1838)
      • Pseudarinia Yen, 1952
      • Ventriculus Wenz in Fischer & Wenz, 1914+
  • 旋口螺亞科 Spirostomatinae Tielecke, 1940




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