美国国务院States Department of State,直译:美国国务部,有时亦称State Department),是美國聯邦政府負責外交事務的行政部门,等同於世界各國的外交部。 美国国务院是美国最龐大的政府機構之一,其行政首長为国务卿(Secretary of State
乔治六世之死及葬礼Minister of Israel Giovanni Gronchi, President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy Leonardo Severi, President of the Italian Council of State Ourot R.
联合国安全理事会主席国The Permanent Representative(英语:Permanent Representative) (ambassador) of the state to the security council is usually the president of the council,
欧盟外交与安全政策高级代表Council shall consist of the Heads of State or Government of the Member States, together with its President and the President of the Commission. The High
財政大臣 (英國)財政大臣(英語:Chancellor of the Exchequer)是英國內閣中,主管經濟與金融事務之部長職稱,通常簡稱財相(The Chancellor)。財政大臣負責管理國王陛下財政部(英語:His Majesty's Treasury),職位相當於其他國家的「財政部長」。財政大臣一般被認