查尔斯·克拉克(Charles M. Clarke)是专业从事于猪笼草属食虫植物的植物学家与分类学家。克拉克出生于澳大利亚墨尔本。他获得了墨尔本莫纳什大学(Monash University)的生物学荣誉学位,同时还在新南威尔士阿米代尔的新英格兰大学(University of New England)取得了生态系统管理博士学位。
College of Technology. [2012-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-20). Clarke Energy. Glasgow Caledonian University CHP & District Heating Scheme. [2013-09-22]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-25)
Borneo.PDF Proceedings of the 4th International Carnivorous Plant Conference, Hiroshima University, Tokyo: 25–30. Clarke, C.M. 1997. Nepenthes of Borneo
(原始内容存档于2023-06-08). Clarke, Anne Marie. Diplomacy of Conscience: Amnesty International and Changing Human Rights Norms. Princeton University Press. 2001.
and Early Evolution of Birds. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. 2007. ISBN 978-0-86840-413-4. Clarke, Julia A., Zhou, Zhonghe, Zhang, Fucheng