troops when he reached Osijek on 6 August. The Ottoman Empire, p 50; ChristopherDuffy suggests "Suleiman led an army of 125,000 Turks". Siege Warfare: Fortresses
《普魯士腓特烈大帝的生平戰役》 Dennis Showalter "The Wars of Frederick the Great" 1996年英文版 ChristopherDuffy "Frederick the Great: A Military Life" 1985年英文版 Theodore Dodge "Great
5月6日,布雷斯劳的德国军队被包围该城的苏联军队包围,作为下西里西亚攻势的一部分。德国驻军于5月6日投降,两天后德国军队全部投降。 ChristopherDuffy. Red Storm on the Reich. Atheneum. 1991. ISBN 0-689-12092-3. Hargreaves
Nicholas Murray and Christopher Pringle. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 978-0-7006-3034-9 Duffy, Christopher, Eagles over the Alps: