Fellowship)、民主研究机构网(英语:International Forum for Democratic Studies)、国际媒体援助中心(英语:CenterforInternationalMediaAssistance)等机构或组织的支持者和收容者。 1967年4月,美国国会议员但丁·法赛尔(英语:Dante
on Additional Military Assistancefor Ukraine. 2022-02-26 [2022-02-27]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-27). Additional Military Assistancefor Ukraine. 2022-02-26 [2022-02-27]
Fernando Valley, for the most part, tends to support Democrats in state and national elections. The Los Angeles satellite administrative centerfor the valley
Abdel Tawwab Sharaf. A linguistic Study of the Media War between Russia and Ukraine. Nile Valley Journal for Humanitarian, Social and Educational Studies