移動食品販賣(mobile catering, mobile kitchen cart, mobile diner)是指透過交通工具來銷售食品的販售形式。是許多國家城市文化的一項特色。移動食品販賣的車輛可以使用腳踏車、機車、卡車、貨車、手推車等。商販可能會將車輛停駐於人潮往來之處,或是沿途叫賣以擴大營業範圍。
development and survival in vitro.The CART receptor has yet to be identified, but there is significant evidence that CART binds to a unique Gi/Go-coupled GPCR
(中文(臺灣)). Carman, Tim. Should white chefs sell burritos? A Portland food cart's revealing controversy. The Washington Post. 26 May 2017 [2021-08-15]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-04)