碳税et al. 11.7.2 Carbon leakage. In (book chapter): Mitigation from a cross-sectoral perspective. In (book): Climate Change 2007: Mitigation . Contribution
排放权交易 减缓全球变暖(英语:Mitigation of global warming) Mobile emission reduction credit(英语:Mobile emission reduction credit) (MERC) 个人碳交易(英语:Personal carbon trading)
低碳經濟低碳經濟(英語:low-carbon economy,簡稱LCE)是種達到溫室氣體淨零排放程度的經濟。人類活動引起的溫室氣體排放是造成自20世紀中葉以來觀測到的氣候變化的主要原因。轉向低碳經濟有許多行之有效的方法,例如鼓勵能源轉型、節約能源、交通電氣化(如使用電動載具)以及進行碳捕集與封存。零碳城市(英语:zero-carbon
碳捕集与封存(原始内容存档于2023-07-15). DOE - Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage_2016!09!07 | Carbon Capture And Storage | Climate Change Mitigation . Scribd. [2018-12-03]
温室气体排放Emission Reduction Options and Carbon Sinks. B. Metz; et al (编). Costing Methodologies. Climate Change 2001: Mitigation . Contribution of Working Group