1879・太平休閑屋(Taiping Rest House) 1879・遊騎團軍營(Barrack Camp of the 9th Royal Rangers Regiment) 1879・中央警察局(Central Office Station of Taiping District / Ibu Pejabat Polis
Bridge Kuala Sungai Buloh Sungai Buloh Fish Market T字路口 Api-Api Taman Selesa Assam Jawa 东 吉隆坡 Sungai Buloh Ijok T字路口 Taman Raja Udang Kampung Tengah Taman
19th century Glugor Estate of David Brown, where it leads, named after the assam glugor (tamarind) tree. குளுகோர் வீதி Gelugor Vīti Gelugor Road : After