TREE函數、Kruskal樹定理(英語:Kruskal's tree theorem)是逆數學的突出示例。由安德魯·瓦茲尼(英语:Andrew Vázsonyi)推測並由約瑟夫·克魯斯卡爾證明。 已隱藏部分未翻譯内容,歡迎參與翻譯。 In mathematics, Kruskal's tree theorem
structure, and the binary tree can be finite or infinite. label :: Tree a b -> Tree Int Int label t = t′ where (t′, ns) = go t (1:ns) go :: Tree a b -> [Int]
AA tree that needs to be rebalanced. output: Another node representing the rebalanced AA tree. if nil(T) then return Nil else if nil(right(T)) or nil(right(right(T)))