希伯來字母代碼(英語:Gematria;希伯來語:גימטריה;希臘文:γεωμετρία)是一種基於希伯來語及希伯來字母的關係,將希伯來字母與數字相互替換,是卡巴拉派用來解經的方式之一。 密碼 基本的替換密碼如下: 更多資訊 數字, 字母 ... 數字 字母 1 א 2 ב 3 ג 4 ד 5 ה 6 ו 7 ז 8 ח 9 ט 10 י 20 כ, ך 30 ל 40 מ, ם 50 נ, ן 60 ס 70 ע 80 פ, ף 90 צ, ץ 100 ק 200 ר 300 ש 400 ת 500 ך 600 ם 700 ן 800 ף 900 ץ 關閉 外部連結 WebGim - An interactive gematria calculator, which includes results from Torah verses. (Hebrew) Peter's Gematria Site (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) - examines the application of gematria to the European languages from the Medieval period onwards, particularly in respect to esoteric communities, such as the Freemasons. Letters of several alphabets and their numerical amounts (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) Gematria calculator (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), finds match to Biblical verses (in Hebrew) Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.