全然敗壞(英語:Total Depravity,也稱Total Inability,完全無能力),為新教路德宗並改革宗教會的基本教條,[1][2][3]是由神學家奧古斯丁與約翰·加爾文等歸納聖經各要點後所形成的神學教義,認為自亞當墮落之後,人類死在罪惡過犯當中[4],完全沒有能力選擇跟隨神,沒有能力接受耶穌基督為他的上帝和救主。[3]
Quick Facts 加爾文主義, 背景 ...
- 全然敗壞(Total depravity),人類由於亞當的墮落導致原罪,而無法以自己的能力作任何靈性上的善事。
- 無條件的揀選(Unconditional selection),上帝無條件地揀選得救者,並非因為該人的行善積德,也非預言了該人即將因信稱義。
- 限定的代贖(Limited atonement)基督受極刑,是為那些天選之人而贖罪,不是為世上所有的人。
- 不可抗拒的恩典(Irresistible grace)又稱有效的恩典(Efficacious grace),天選之人不可能拒絕上帝的救恩,上帝的恩典,不可能因為人的原因而被阻撓,因為神恩強勢,無法拒絕。
- 聖徒恆忍蒙保守(Perseverence of the saints),已得到的救恩不會喪失,上帝必能保守並引導天選之人在信仰的路上得勝。
Morris, J.W., The Historic Church: An Orthodox View of Christian History, p267, "The Book of Concord became the official statement of doctrine for most of the world's Lutherans. The Formula of Concord reaffirmed the traditional Lutheran doctrine of total depravity in very clear terms"
Melton, J.G., Encyclopedia of Protestantism, p229, on Formula of Concord, "the 12 articles of the formula focused on a number of newer issues such as original sin (in which total depravity is affirmed)"
Calvinism and Lutheranism Compared. WELS Topical Q&A. Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. [26 January 2015]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2009). "Total Depravity – Lutherans and Calvinists agree." Yes this is correct. Both agree on the devastating nature of the fall and that man by nature has no power to aid in his conversions...and that election to salvation is by grace. In Lutheranism the German term for election is Gnadenwahl, election by grace--there is no other kind.