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豬頭可以用來製作豬腦醬英語brawn、高湯和湯品。煮熟後,豬耳可以炸或烤,單獨食用。[4]頰部可以醃製和煙燻,製成豬頰英語Pork jowl,西班牙語國家稱為carrillada或carrileja。伊比利亞豬的面部稱為pestorejo或careta,包括耳朵和鼻子(morro)。[3]頭部的下部分分別是脖子(papada)和扁桃體(castañetas)。[3]菲律賓也有一個專門的切割部位,稱為maskara(「面具」),[5]包括豬的臉部(頰部、鼻子、耳朵及舌頭),重約250克,可以食用。[3]



Above the front limbs and behind the head is the shoulder blade.[2] It can be boned out and rolled up as a roasting joint, or cured as "collar bacon". Also known as spare rib roast and joint, it is not to be confused with the rack of spare ribs from the front belly. Pork butt, despite its name, is from the upper part of the shoulder. The Boston butt, or Boston-style shoulder cut, comes from this area and may contain the shoulder blade. Mexican carnitas英語carnitas[1] and Iberian aguja[3] are also sourced from this part. Between the aguja and the lomo (loin) is the presa, which is considered the finest cut of Iberian pork.[3] Two well-marbled 600 g cuts of presa are obtained from each Iberian pig.[3] Two smaller 100 g cuts known as pluma are obtained from beneath the presa.[3] The Italian coppa (food)英語coppa (food) is obtained from the top of the shoulder.

在前肢的上方和頭部的後方是刀肩。豬刀肩可以去骨並捲起來作為烤肉,或者醃製成「領子培根」(Collar bacon)。也被稱為排骨烤肉和切割,不要與從前腹部取出的排骨架混淆。豬屁股(儘管名字叫豬屁股)是來自肩部的上部。波士頓屁股或波士頓式刀肩切割就來自這個區域,可能包含刀肩骨。墨西哥的carnitas英語carnitas和伊比利亞的aguja也來自這個部位。在aguja和lomo(腰肉)之間是presa,被認為是伊比利亞豬最好的切割部位。每個伊比利亞豬可以得到兩個油花豐富的600克的presa切割。在presa下面還有兩個較小的100克切割,稱為pluma。意大利的coppa (food)英語coppa (food)切割來自肩部的上部。


燒烤肩可以醃製成類似火腿的產品英語Meat on the bone,也可以用於製作香腸。[2]前腿(在伊比利亞豬中稱為paletas)是指前腿,相對於後腿,後腿則是火腿或jamones。[3]在paleta和肚子之間有一個150-200克的切割部位,稱為secreto,在西班牙非常受歡迎。[3]


Pork chops sold in Paris.

The Pork loin英語Pork loin[6] can be cured to make back bacon英語back bacon or Canadian-style bacon. The loin and belly can be cured together to make a side of bacon. The loin can also be divided up into roasts (blade loin roasts, centre loin roasts, and sirloin roasts come from the front, centre, or rear of the loin), back ribs (also called baby back ribs, or riblets), pork cutlets, and pork chop英語pork chops (chuletas). A pork loin crown roast is arranged into a circle, either boneless or with rib bones protruding upward as points in a crown. Pork tenderloin, removed from the loin, should be practically free of fat. It is known as lomo in Spain, where it is most often prepared as a filete or cured as a caña de lomo.[3] This high-quality meat shows a very ordered arrangement of muscle cells that can cause light diffraction and structural coloration.[7]

腰肉英語Pork loin可以醃製成背熏培根英語back bacon或加拿大式培根。腰肉和肚子可以一起醃製成培根。腰肉還可以切成烤肉(刀腰肉、中腰肉和腰肉),後排骨(也稱為嫩肋排骨或小排骨),豬排骨和豬排(chuletas)。豬腰肉的頂部可以製成豬腰冠烤肉,可以無骨或帶有肋骨突出形成冠狀。從腰肉中取出的豬嫩肉應該幾乎不含脂肪。在西班牙,腰肉被稱為lomo,最常作為filete(薄片肉)或醃製成caña de lomo。

豬腰部可以醃製成加拿大式培根或加拿大風味培根。腰部和腹部也可一起醃製,製成一整塊的培根。腰部還可以切成不同部位的肉塊(從前、中、後腰部分別得到腰部排骨、中腰部肉排和腰部肉眼排)、後排骨(也稱為嫩肋排骨或小排骨)、豬扒和豬排骨。豬腰部王冠烤肉是將肉排成一個圓圈,無骨或帶有向上突出的肋骨形成冠狀。豬腰部嫩肉,取自腰部,應該幾乎不含脂肪。在西班牙被稱為lomo的豬腰部嫩肉,通常被製成filete或醃製成caña de lomo。這種高品質的肉顯示出非常有序的肌肉細胞排列,可能引起光的繞射和結構色彩。




肋排英語Spare ribs是取自豬的肋骨及骨周的肉。聖路易斯風格肋排則已去除胸骨、軟骨和排骨周圍的肉。而"abanico"一詞則是指伊比利亞豬的肋骨,這種肉質非常肥美,常被用來燒烤。[3]



The belly, although a fattier meat, can be used for steaks or diced as stir-fry meat. Pork belly may be rolled for roasting or cut for streaky bacon. It is the source of Italian pancetta英語pancetta and Spanish panceta.



肉類雕刻英語meat carving的火腿

Although any cut of pork can be cured, technically speaking only the back leg is entitled to be called a ham. Legs and shoulders, when used fresh, are usually cut bone-in for roasting, or leg steaks can be cut from the bone. Three common cuts of the leg include the rump (upper portion), centre, and shank (lower portion). The ham of Iberian pigs is known as jamón英語jamón.



The joint between the feet and the leg, known as ham hock or pork knuckles, is cooked in many European countries, including Austria (stelze), Czech Republic (koleno), Germany (eisbein and schweinshaxe), Hungary (csülök), Poland (golonka), Spain (codillo), Sweden (Fläsklägg med rotmos英語Fläsklägg med rotmos) and Switzerland (wädli).

腳和腿之間的關節,稱為火腿蹄或豬腳,是許多歐洲國家的烹飪食材,包括奧地利(stelze),捷克共和國(koleno),德國(德式燉豬腳德式烤豬腳),匈牙利(csülök),波蘭(golonka),西班牙(codillo),瑞典(豬腿根泥英語Fläsklägg med rotmos)和瑞士(wädli)。


豬前腳和豬後腳均可烹飪和食用。在美國南部俗稱「pigs feet」,[8]而在西班牙語系地區則被稱為manitas de cerdo。[3]


The intestines (chitterlings) and other internal organs (offal) are often boiled or stewed. The testicles (criadillas) are also eaten.




See also


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