File:MOS Technology Logo.svg18:46:05 Afrank99 (2743 Bytes) {{Information |Beschreibung=[[Firmenlogo|Logo]] |Quelle=[[SVG]] erzeugt mit [[Inkscape]] |Urheber=unbekannt |Datum= |Genehmigung=Aufgrund
File:6532 RIOT Pinout.svg[[MOS Technology 6532]] RAM/Input/Output/Timer (RIOT) chip. This [[SVG]] file was created by me, [[User:Crotalus horridus]], in [[Notepad]]. The [[MOS Technology]]
File:6510 CPU Pinout.svgthe pin configuration on a [[MOS Technology 6510]] [[Central processing unit|Central Processing Unit (CPU)]]. This [[SVG]] file was created by me, [[User:Crotalus
File:6522 VIA Pinout.svg[[MOS Technology 6522]] Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA). This [[SVG]] file was created by me, [[User:Crotalus horridus]], in [[Notepad]]. The [[MOS Technology]]