
Quick Facts 蜜茱萸屬, 科學分類 ...
Melicope clusiifolia
科學分類 編輯
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 維管束植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真雙子葉植物 Eudicots
演化支 薔薇類植物 Rosids
目: 無患子目 Sapindales
科: 芸香科 Rutaceae
屬: 蜜茱萸屬 Melicope
J.R.Forst. & G.Forst., 1775

密茱萸 Melicope patulinervia中國海南島
Melicope pteleifolia - 三腳虌
Melicope semecarpifolia - 山刈葉
Melicope triphylla - 假三腳虌
Melicope elleryana - 軟木斛
Melicope simplex - Poataniwha
Melicope ternata - Wharangi
Melicope adscendens - Alani
Melicope balloui - Alani
Melicope haupuensis - Alani
Melicope knudsenii - Alani
Melicope munroi - Alani
Melicope ovalis - Alani
Melicope pallida - Alani
Melicope quadrangularis - Alani
Melicope reflexa - Alani
Melicope saintjohnii - Alani
Melicope zahlbruckneri -

  • Astorganthus Endl.
  • Boninia Planch.
  • Entoganum Banks ex Gaertn.
  • Evodiella B.L.Linden
  • Lepta Lour.
  • Platydesma H.Mann
  • Tractocopevodia Raizada & K.Naray.

在澳大利亞該屬植物被稱為軟木斛(Corkwood)或(Doughwood), 在夏威夷被稱為Alani。一些分佈於夏威夷的物種由於受到生長地喪失或外來物種入侵的威脅,被美國政府列為聯邦瀕危物種



  • Boninia grisea Planch. ex Kuntze, 1891
  • Melicope aberrans T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope accedens (Blume) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope acuminata (Merr.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope adscendens (H.St.John & Hume) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope aequata T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope affinis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope alba Lauterb.
  • Melicope albiflora (Rech.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope alpestris T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope aneura (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope anisata (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope anomala (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope bakeri T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope balankazo (H.Perrier) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope balansae Guillaumin
  • Melicope balgooyi Appelhans, W.L.Wagner & K.R.Wood
  • Melicope balloui (Rock) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope barbigera A.Gray
  • Melicope belahe (Baill.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope benguetensis (Elmer) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope blancoi T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope bonwickii (F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope borbonica (Bory) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope boweriana (Christoph.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope bracteata (Nadeaud) S.L.Welsh
  • Melicope bracteata (Nadeaud) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope brassii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope broadbentiana F.M.Bailey
  • Melicope buennemeijeri T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope burmahia (Raizada & K.Naray.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope burttiana Stone
  • Melicope buwaldae T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope calycina T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope capillacea (Gillespie) A.C.Sm.
  • Melicope carrii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope celastracea (Baker)
  • Melicope celebica T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope chapelieri (Baill.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope christophersenii (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope chunii (Merr.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope cinerea A.Gray
  • Melicope clemensiae T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope clusiifolia (A.Gray) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope confusa (Merr.) P.S.Liu
  • Melicope confusa (Merr.) T.S.Liu
  • Melicope conjugata T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope contermina C.Moore & F.Muell. ex F.Muell.
  • Melicope coodeana T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope corneri T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope cornuta (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner
  • Melicope crassifolia (Merr.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope crassiramis (K.Schum.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope cravenii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope crispula (Merr. & L.M.Perry) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope cruciata (A.Heller) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope cucullata (Gillespie) A.C.Sm.
  • Melicope degeneri (B.C.Stone) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope denhamii (Seem.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope dicksoniana T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope discolor (Baker) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope doormani-montis (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope dubia (Merr.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope durifolia (K.Schum.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope elleryana (F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope elliptica A.Gray
  • Melicope eriophylla (Merr. & L.M.Perry) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope erromangensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope euneura (Miq.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope evansensis (A.C.Sm.) A.C.Sm.
  • Melicope exuta T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope fatraina (H.Perrier) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope fatuhivensis (F.Br.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope feddei (H.Lév.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope fellii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope flaviflora A.C.Sm.
  • Melicope floribunda (Baker) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope forbesii (Baker fil.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope frutescens (Blanco) Appelhans & J.Wen
  • Melicope fulva (Guillaumin) Stone
  • Melicope glabella T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope glaberrima Guillaumin
  • Melicope glabra (Blume) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope glandulosa (T.G.Hartley)
  • Melicope glomerata (Craib) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope goilalensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope grisea (Planch.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope haleakalae (B.C.Stone) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope haupuensis (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope hawaiensis (Wawra) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope hayesii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope heipkoi T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope hiepkoi T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope hiiakae (B.C.Stone) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope hivaoaensis Florence
  • Melicope homoeophylla A.C.Sm.
  • Melicope hookeri T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope hosakae (H.St.John) W.L.Wagner & R.K.Shannon
  • Melicope idiocarpa T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope ignambiensis Guill.
  • Melicope improvisa T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope incana T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope indica Wight
  • Melicope inopinata J.Florence
  • Melicope irifica (Coode) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope jonesii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope jugosa T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope kaalaensis (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope kainantuensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope kavaiensis (H.Mann) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope kjellbergii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope knudsenii (Hillebr.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope kostermansii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope laevis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope lamii Lauterb.
  • Melicope lasioneura (Baill.) Baill. ex Guillaumin
  • Melicope latifolia (DC.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope lauterbachii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope laxa (Elmer) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope leptococca Guillaumin
  • Melicope littoralis (Endl.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope littoralis (Endl.) T.G.Hartley ex P.S.Green
  • Melicope lobocarpa (F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope longior T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope lucida (A.Gray) A.C.Sm.
  • 三刈葉蜜茱萸 Melicope lunu-ankenda (Gaertn.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope lydgatei (Hillebr.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope macgregorii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope macrocarpa (King) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope macrophylla Merr. & Perry
  • Melicope macropus (Hillebr.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope madagascariensis (Baker) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope magnifolia (Baill.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope makahae (B.C.Stone) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope maliliensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope mantellii Buchanan
  • Melicope margaretae (F.Br.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope maxii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope megastigma T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope micrococca (F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope mindorensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope molokaiensis (Hillebr.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope moluccana T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope montana Baker fil.
  • Melicope monticola T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope mucronata Merr. & Perry
  • Melicope mucronulata (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope munroi (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope nealae (B.C.Stone) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope neglecta T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope nishimurae (Koidz.) T.Yamaz.
  • Melicope novoguineensis Valeton
  • Melicope nubicola T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope nukuhivensis (F.Br.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope oahuensis (Lév.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope oblanceolata T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope obovata (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope obscura (Cordem.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope obtusifolia (DC.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope oppenheimeri K.R.Wood, Appelhans & W.L.Wagner
  • Melicope orbicularis (Hillebr.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope ovalis (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope ovata (H.St.John & Hume) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope pachyphylla (King) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope pachypoda (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope pahangensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope palawensis (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope pallida (Hillebr.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope paniculata (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • 蜜茱萸 Melicope patulinervia (Merr. & Chun) C.C.Huang
  • Melicope pauciflora T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope pedicellata Guillaumin
  • Melicope pedicellata T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope peduncularis (Lév.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope pendula T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope peninsularis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope pergamentacea (Elmer) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope perlmanii Florence
  • Melicope perryae T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope petiolaris T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope petrophila Aver.
  • Melicope phanerophlebia (Merr. & L.M.Perry) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope polyadenia Merr. & Perry
  • Melicope polybotrya (C.Moore & F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley ex P.S.Green
  • Melicope ponapensis Lauterb.
  • Melicope pseudoanisata (Rock) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • 三椏苦 Melicope pteleifolia (Champ. ex Benth.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope puberula (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope pubifolia Merr. & Perry
  • Melicope pulgarensis (Elmer) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope quadrangularis (H.St.John & Hume) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope quadrilocularis (Hook. & Arn.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope radiata (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope ramuliflora T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope reflexa (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope remyi (Sherff) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner
  • Melicope reticulata Lauterb.
  • Melicope retusa (A.Gray) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope revoluta J.Florence
  • Melicope rhytidocarpa (Merr. & L.M.Perry) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope richii (A.Gray) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope ridsdalei T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope rigoensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope robbinsii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope robusta A.C.Sm.
  • Melicope rostrata (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner
  • Melicope rotundifolia (A.Gray) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope rubra (Lauterb. & K.Schum.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope saintjohnii (Hume) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope sambiranensis (H.Perrier) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope sandwicensis (Hook. & Arn.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope savaiensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope schraderi (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope segregis (Cordem.) T.G.Hartley
  • 山刈葉 Melicope semecarpifolia (Merr.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope sessilifolia (Merr.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope sessilifoliola (Merr.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope sessilis (H.Lév.) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope simplex A.Cunn.
  • Melicope sororia T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope spathulata A.Gray
  • Melicope steenisii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope stellulata T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope sterrophylla Merr. & Perry
  • Melicope stonei K.R.Wood, Appelhans & W.L.Wagner[1]
  • Melicope suberosa B.C.Stone
  • Melicope subunifoliolata (Stapf) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope sudestica T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope sulcata T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope tahitensis Nadeaud
  • Melicope taveuniensis A.C.Sm.
  • Melicope tekaoensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope ternata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
  • Melicope timorensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope trachycarpa Lauterb.
  • Melicope trichantha (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope trichopetala (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
  • 三葉蜜茱萸 Melicope triphylla (Lam.) Merr.
  • Melicope tsaratananensis (Capuron) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope vatiana (Setch.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope versteeghii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope vieillardii Baill. ex Guillaumin
  • Melicope villosa (Merr.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope vinkii T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope viticina (Wall. ex Kurz) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope vitiflora (F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope volcanica (A.Gray) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope waialealae (Wawra) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope wailauensis (H.St.John) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope wawraeana (Rock) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope woitapensis T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope xanthoxyloides (F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley
  • Melicope zahlbruckneri (Rock) T.G.Hartley & B.C.Stone
  • Melicope zambalensis (Elmer) T.G.Hartley


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