東方蠟蟬屬(學名:Pyrops )是屬於蠟蟬科之下的一個族群,主要分佈於東南亞、中國、印度等地[1],目前已知約有70餘種。牠們以頭部明顯且前延的突起,以及翅膀鮮豔的色彩為特徵;主要以吸食樹木汁液為生。其模式種龍眼雞,原生於越南、香港、老撾、及東南亞等地。

Quick Facts 東方蠟蟬屬, 科學分類 ...
Pyrops karenia
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 節肢動物門 Arthropoda
綱: 昆蟲綱 Insecta
目: 半翅目 Hemiptera
亞目: 頸喙亞目 Auchenorrhyncha
科: 蠟蟬科 Fulgoridae
屬: 東方蠟蟬屬 Pyrops
Spinola, 1839
龍眼雞 Pyrops candelaria
(Linnaeus, 1758)





  • Pyrops aeruginosus (Stål, 1870)
  • Pyrops agusanensis (Baker, 1925)
  • Pyrops alboroseus Liang, 1998
  • Pyrops andamanensis (Distant, 1880)
  • Pyrops astarte (Distant, 1914)
  • Pyrops atroalbus (Distant, 1918)
  • Pyrops auratus Constant, 2021
  • Pyrops azureus Constant & Mohan, 2017
  • Pyrops buomvoi Constant & Pham, 2022[4]
  • Pyrops candelaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Pyrops clavatus (Westwood, 1839)
  • Pyrops coelestinus (Stål, 1863)
  • Pyrops condorinus (Lallemand, 1960)
  • Pyrops connectens (Atkinson, 1885)
  • Pyrops cultellata (Walker, 1857)
  • Pyrops curtiprora (Butler, 1874)
  • Pyrops cyanirostris (Guérin-Méneville, 1845)
  • Pyrops detanii Nagai & Porion, 2004
  • Pyrops dimotus (Lallemand, 1960)
  • Pyrops dohrni (Schmidt, 1905)
  • Pyrops ducalis (Stål, 1863)
  • Pyrops effusus (Distant, 1891)
  • Pyrops erectus (Schmidt, 1905)
  • Pyrops esteban Nagai & Porion, 2002
  • Pyrops exsanguis (Gerstaecker, 1895)
  • Pyrops farinosus Bierman, 1910
  • Pyrops fumosus (Baker, 1925)
  • Pyrops gunjii Satô & Nagai, 1994
  • Pyrops hamdjahi Nagai & Porion, 2002
  • Pyrops hashimotoi Nagai & Porion, 2002
  • Pyrops heringi (Schmidt, 1905)
  • Pyrops hobbyi (Lallemand, 1939)
  • Pyrops horsfieldii (Westwood, 1839)
  • Pyrops intricatus (Walker, 1857)
  • Pyrops ishiharai (Satô & Nagai, 1994)
  • Pyrops itoi (Satô & Nagai, 1994)
  • Pyrops jasmini Chew Kea Foo, Porion & Audibert, 2010
  • Pyrops jefferyi Nagai & Porion, 2002
  • Pyrops jianfenglingensis Wang, Xu & Qin, 2018
  • Pyrops karenius (Distant, 1891)
  • Pyrops kozlovi Porion & Audibert, 2020
  • Pyrops lathburii (Kirby, 1818)
  • Pyrops lautus (Stål, 1870)
  • Pyrops maculatus (Olivier, 1791)
  • Pyrops maquilinganus (Baker, 1925)
  • Pyrops nigripennis (Chou & Wang, 1985)
  • Pyrops nishiguroi Nagai, Porion & Audibert, 2017
  • Pyrops nishiyamai Nagai & Porion, 2002
  • Pyrops ochracea Nagai & Porion, 1996
  • Pyrops oculatus (Westwood, 1838)
  • Pyrops peguensis (Schmidt, 1911)
  • Pyrops philippinus (Stål, 1870)
  • Pyrops polillensis (Baker, 1925)
  • Pyrops priscilliae Nagai, Porion & Audibert, 2016
  • Pyrops pyrorhynchus (Donovan, 1800)
  • Pyrops pythicus (Distant, 1891)
  • Pyrops rogersi (Distant, 1906)
  • Pyrops ruehli Schmidt, 1926
  • Pyrops samaranus (Baker, 1925)
  • Pyrops sapphirinus (Schmidt, 1908)
  • Pyrops sidereus (Distant, 1905)
  • Pyrops spinolae (Westwood, 1842)
  • Pyrops sultanus (Adams & White, 1847)
  • Pyrops synavei Constant, 2015
  • Pyrops valerian Nagai & Porion, 2002
  • Pyrops viridirostris (Westwood, 1848)
  • Pyrops vitalisius (Distant, 1918)
  • Pyrops watanabei (Matsumura, 1913)
  • Pyrops whiteheadi (Distant, 1889)
  • Pyrops zephyrius (Schmidt, 1907)


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