在那邊》(英語:Over There),是1917年發表在美國愛國歌曲,在兩次世界大戰中在美軍士兵廣泛傳唱。




Johnny,[1] get your gun, get your gun, get your gun.
Take it on the run, on the run, on the run.
Hear them calling you and me,
Every Son of Liberty.
Hurry right away, no delay, go today.
Make your Daddy glad to have had such a lad.
Tell your sweetheart not to pine,
To be proud her boy's in line.
Over there, over there,
Send the word, send the word over there
That the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming
The drums rum-tumming everywhere.
So prepare, say a prayer,
Send the word, send the word to beware -
We'll be over, we're coming over,
And we won't come back till it's over, over there.
Johnny, get your gun, get your gun, get your gun.
Johnny, show the "Hun"[2] you're a son-of-a-gun.
Hoist the flag and let her fly
Yankee Doodle[3] do or die.
Pack your little kit, show your grit, do your bit.
Yankee[4] to the ranks from the towns and the tanks.[5]
Make your Mother proud of you
And the old red-white-and-blue[6]


強尼,拿上槍,拿上槍,拿上槍, 帶着它,上戰場,上戰場,上戰場。 聽聽看,大夥們都在叫我們, 咱們都是自由之子。 動作快,莫遲疑,馬上走, 讓我們成為老爸的驕傲吧! 告訴姑娘別難過, 我們參軍她光榮。

強尼,拿上槍,拿上槍,拿上槍, 強尼,讓匈人(Hun是對德國人的蔑稱)看看,什麼是男子漢。 升起國旗讓它高高飛揚吧, 我們美國人不成功便成仁。 收拾好行囊,拿出勇氣,為國盡力。 快從田間出來,快從小鎮出來,來集合了,洋基小子們。 讓母親為我們自豪吧! 讓我們為星條旗添彩吧!

向那邊,向那邊, 傳個話,傳個話, 洋基小子來也,洋基小子來也。 咱們的戰鼓聲傳四方 準備好,禱個告 放個話,放個話,小心點德國佬。 我們來了,我們馬上就到, 此戰不勝利,我們絕不回鄉。


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