not have a leg to stand onnot have a leg to stand on (俗語) 理屈詞窮,言論站不住腳 1857, Charles Dickens, 章號 8, 出自 Little Dorrit, 第 2 卷: ‘You see?’ said Mrs Gowan, turning the palms of her hands
ställa mot väggenundanflykter ta ställning till frågan. The other ministers were now backed up against the wall and were forced to take a stand on the question without prevarication
outstandingcomes into and goes out of his pocket, and like me he is sure to be a gainer in the end. outstandingly outstandingness stand out stand-out standing out
eyer 47,[1] The Amoretto was wont to take his stand at one place about the pew, where sate his Mistresse, who was a very attentive hearer of the man above
rebussesconſidered the ſeventy-ſix Rebuſſes already paſſed over, I think is a ſufficient Guide through the Labyrinth, but if ever you are at a Stand, catch bold