"The public have taken no interest in the matter up to now, but this letter of Challenger's in the Times will make them wake up, I'm thinking." "And this about Sumatra?" "Well, it's a long cry from a blurred line in a spectrum to a sick nigger in Sumatra. And yet the chiel has shown us once before that he knows what he's talking about."
At Crescent Lake in Oneida County, Hubert Locke, who is black and serves as the Dean of the University of Washington's School of Public Affairs, was confronted with words to the effect of, "Now the Commission has a nigger working for them" and "I guess there are two kinds of niggers—red niggers and black niggers"[...] These blatant manifestations of racism directed toward Mr. Locke serve to illustrate the racist attitudes experienced daily by tribal members.
2002年1月13日, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, 「"Loaded Language", a review of Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word by Randall Kennedy」, 出自 Washington Post,第 BW06 頁:
I had overheard him greet a buddy who called him on the phone with "Yo, nigger, what's up?"
Well, it's a big heavy line, and you operate the nigger — capstan it's also called — by steam. You wrap your line around that and keep taking in the slack, and that draws up them things.
1961, Peter Snow, Electronic Flashlight Photography (page 114)
Care should be taken to check visually from the position occupied by the subject and from the camera also, to ascertain that the nigger is positioned correctly and does not obstruct the picture area.
1997年1月18日, Joe Frisch, 「Anglo-US relations under a Blair Government」, 出自 uk.org.mensa[11] (Usenet):
The gated community is a powerful tool in the systematic and sustained niggering of local 3rd-world communities - namely, in the book, the Hispanic (mostly wetbacK[sic]) community
1999年12月3日, Jeff Welch, 「Who is McGuyver and why was he "niggered?」, 出自 seattle.general, December 3[12] (Usenet):
> He is on TV saying that he was "abused" by the police and treated like a nigger.
2003年7月16日, 「Mob Attacks Palestinian Pollsters Who Told The Truth」, 出自 soc.retirement (Usenet):
Why would many Paletinians want to return to a land where they would be "niggered" for the benefit of the Israelis as the present Palestinian population is
Rachel Higson (September 28, 2017), 「Considering the N-Word: To Reject or Reclaim?」,The Prindle Post[5],DePauw, Indiana:The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics at DePauw University,存檔自原始網頁於November 26, 2020, 取回於March 12, 2021