述情障礙Bagby(英语:R. Michael Bagby)及精神醫學家Graeme J. Taylor認為述情障礙和心理察覺能力(英语:psychological mindedness )及情緒智能的概念有高度的負相關,而且「有強烈的實驗證據證實述情障礙是穩定的人格特質,不只是某種心理疾病的結果。」 放大
寄宿学校 the transition to university: a longitudinal study of psychological disturbance, absent-mindedness and vulnerability to homesickness. British Journal of
自我反思情感标示 人类中心主义 人的境况(英语:Human condition) 身份认同 后设认知 心理察觉能力(英语:Psychological mindedness ) 智慧 James, W. (1981/1890).The principles of psychology (Vol. 1)
政治光譜 Rokeach, Milton; Hanley, Charles. Eysenck's Tender-Mindedness Dimension: A critique. Psychological Bulletin. 1956-03, 53 (2): 169–176. PMID 13297921.
短期记忆 revisited: empirical and computational investigation of recency effects. Psychological Review. 2005, 112 (1): 3–42. PMID 15631586. doi:10.1037/0033-295X.112