加工肉類工家禽肉類的時候,有時也會包括動物內臟以及其他肉類副產品(英语:meat by -products )(例如食用血)。屬於加工肉類的產品包含:培根、火腿、熱狗、香腸、莎樂美腸、臘肉、粗盐腌牛肉、肉乾、罐裝肉品(英语:Potted meat )和肉製醬料。 「加工」是指除了簡單的烹飪調理過程(如切、研磨、混合的動作)外改變肉質的調理過程。
水解植物蛋白 enzymatic hydrolysis for reducing the allergenic potential of legume by -products . Scientific Reports. 7 October 2022, 12 (1): 16902. Bibcode:2022NatSR
奇異果蛋白酶(1): 47–51. doi:10.1016/j.ifset.2009.08.007. Tarté R. Ingredients in meat products properties, functionality and applications. New York: Springer. 2008
腰子 (食物)meats and by -products , kidneys, raw. fdc.nal.usda.gov. FoodData Central. [2023-07-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-23). Lamb, variety meats and by -products , kidneys
亚硝酸盐The use and control of nitrate and nitrite for the processing of meat products . Meat Science. 2008, 78 (1-2): 68-76 [2021-04-21]. ISSN 0309-1740. PMID 22062097