獨立書選大獎(英语:Indies Choice Book Awards)年度成人首作獎(2011年) 詹姆斯·韋伯獎傑出小說類(海軍陸戰隊傳統協會(英语:National Museum of the Marine Corps)) 華盛頓州書獎(英语:WashingtonStateBookAward)小說類(2011年)
Winner 2007. State Library of Victoria. 10 August 2007 [4 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于11 September 2007). Wright, Alexis. The Swan Book. Washington Square Press
Schuster. 2016. ISBN 978-1-4516-6782-0. Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class. with Paul
(原始内容存档于2020-04-07) (美国英语). All Past National Book Critics Circle Award Winners and Finalists – National Book Critics Circle. www.bookcritics.org. [2020-04-07]