法律不問瑣事(拉丁語:De minimis non curat lex.;英語:The law does not take account of trifles.)為拉丁語法律術語。 瑞典女王克里斯蒂娜(1633至1654年在位)鍾愛一條含義類似的拉丁語格言aquila non capit muscas(老鷹不捉蒼蠅)。
Verses (1922) 《人間萬象、遙遠之夢:歌謠與瑣事》Human Shows, Far Phantasies, Songs and Trifles (1925) 《心境與格律的冬詞》Winter Words in Various Moods and Metres (1928) 《王朝:拿破崙與戰爭的詩戲》(The
法律上;法律;按照法律的 De minimis non curat lex. The law does not take account of trifles. 法律不問瑣事 de minimis principle 「法律不問瑣事」的原則 de novo "anew" 更始;重新 Deorum injuriae
law to limit their prices. Then much blood [of merchants] was shed for trifles, men were afraid to offer anything for sale, and the scarcity became more