华莱士·V·沃夫(英語:Wallace V. Wolfe),美国音频工程师。他曾因电影三口之家(英语:ThreeIsaFamily)在1946年第18届奥斯卡奖颁奖典礼上获得奥斯卡最佳音响效果奖提名。 三口之家(英语:ThreeIsaFamily) (1944) The 18th Academy Awards (1946)
kinase family). ... Trk receptors All neurotrophins bind to a class of highly homologous receptor tyrosine kinases known as Trk receptors, of which three types
The authority of this familyis still somewhat in dispute. The family was incorrectly originally spelled as Laplysiana. This was a Latinized form of the
of W1A – but what is the logic behind it?. Radio Times. [17 February 2016]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-21). BBC Three admits that its new logo looks like W1A spoof