Johanna T.; Konikoff, Charlotte E.; Shenkar, Noa; Halanych, Kenneth M.; Swalla, Billie J. The Global Diversity of Hemichordata. PLoS ONE. 2016-10-04, 11
Johanna T.; Konikoff, Charlotte E.; Shenkar, Noa; Halanych, Kenneth M.; Swalla, Billie J. The Global Diversity of Hemichordata. PLoS ONE. 2016-10-04, 11
海鞘的可食用部分含有多种氨基酸、矿物元素和脂肪酸对人体有相当大的益处。 Fedonkin, M. A.; Vickers-Rich, P.; Swalla, B. J.; Trusler, P.; Hall, M. A new metazoan from the Vendian of the White
PMID 17322288. doi:10.1101/gr.5918807. Cameron, Chris; Garey, James; Swalla, Billie. Evolution of the chordate body plan: New insights from phylogenetic